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After project of Municipality of Cetinje and company 'Lipa Cave', the cave is restored and opened for public in July 2015. Firmamýz ile ilgili güncel haberler ve eðitim seminerlerimiz hakkýnda 'Haberler' sayfasýndan bilgi alabilir, 'Referanslar' sayfasýndan çalýþtýðýmýz firmalarý görebilir, 'Hakkýmýzda' sayfasýndan ÇETÝN BALKAN A. The first public reading room in Montenegro known as The Reading Room of Cetinje was founded in 1896.
Cetinje is also the seat of the of the , and. Cetinje is becoming more and more popular with tourists so the locals started painting their houses in vivid colors, the local government started quite a number of projects to restore the buildings, the markets and façades of the city of Cetinje. Recognition of Montenegro as an independent state, at the Berlin Congress in 1878. At this time the Government House, the symbol of state power, was built.
Çetin Balkan A.Þ. çelik halat, zincir, sapan, çektirme, gerdirme, paslanmaz, aybolt, mapa, kilit, klemens, kelepçe, polyester sapan, kanca, halkada 1973 yýlýndan beri tek isim - This had a great effect on Cetinje's development.
The city rests on a small plain surrounded by limestone mountains, including , the legendary mountain in Montenegrin historiography. Cetinje was founded in the 15th century and became a center of Montenegrin life and both a cradle of and an religious center. Its status as the honorary capital of Montenegro is due to its heritage as a long-serving former capital of Montenegro. Founding Cetinje was founded in 1482, when moved his capital from Obod above the to deeper into the hills to a more easily defended location in a field at the foot of. He had his court built at the new location that year and also founded dedicated to the Mother of Christ as a personal endowment in 1484. His court and the monastery are the first recorded buildings in Montenegro. Crnojević was forced to move the seat of the Eparchy of Zeta from to Cetinje due to the Ottoman invasions, in 1485. The town was named after the Cetina river. The bishopric of Zeta was elevated to a metropolitanate in Cetinje. It was later to play an important part in both the religious and national life. The , the first printing house in southeastern Europe, was active between 1493 and 1496 in Cetinje. Zeta was first put under Ottoman rule in 1499, then annexed by the Ottomans in 1514, organized into the. Early modern period In the next two centuries, the development of Cetinje stagnated. It was very often subject to attack by and the Ottomans. The city therefore endured many privations in the course of the 16th and 17th centuries. In this period the court and the monastery of the Crnojevići dynasty were destroyed. It was only at the end of the 17th century, in 1697, that Cetinje began to flourish again under the rule of the , refounded by. Modern period Mackenzie 1877 after the battle of Grahovo Leading the wars of liberation and strengthening the unity in the country occupied Danilo and his successors, so they were unable to devote enough effort to the further development of Cetinje. It was only during the rule of that far greater progress was made. In 1838 his new royal residence called Billiard house was built. Cetinje was enlarged by building new houses that gradually led to genuine urbanization. Cetinje Many modern buildings designed for foreign consulates were built due to the newly established relations with various European countries. The buildings of the , , , and consulates are regarded as the most beautiful of these. This period also saw the first tenancy houses. In the 1860 census Cetinje had 34 households. After initially holding off Ottoman incursions in , Cetinje was captured by Ottoman 's forces during the. Ottoman rule over Montenegro did not last much more than a decade however, as 14 years later the , the third successive contest between the two nations, ended in Montenegrin victory, with most previously-Montenegrin territory returning to their control. Montenegrin independence was recognized at the of 1878 and consequently Cetinje became the capital of a European country. Between 1878 and 1914 Cetinje flourished in every sense. Many renowned intellectuals from other South-Slavic parts came to stay there and made a contribution to the cultural, educational and every other aspect of life. Montenegro was proclaimed a kingdom in 1910. This had a great effect on Cetinje's development. At this time the Government House, the symbol of state power, was built. The population census from the same year recorded a massive growth in the world's smallest capital, registering 5,895 inhabitants. In the , Cetinje expanded its territory, as it was now a centre of the Zeta region. But when it was decided by the Parliament of Montenegro that the administrative organs should be located in Titograd previously and presently , Cetinje went through a harsh crisis. By building certain industrial sections and at the same time neglecting the development of the city's traditional and potential cultural and tourist capacities, the chance to create a strong basis for more solid prosperity was lost. Climate Cetinje has an : Cfb , with relatively dry and warm summers, and mild and wet winters. Cetinje is well known for its plentiful precipitations, and is one of the rainiest towns in Europe with around 3,300 mm 130 in of precipitation annually. Although abundant in precipitation, the Cetinje field and its surroundings do not have water flows on the surface and water sources are scarce. This is a consequence of the karst configuration and its geologic structure. Climate data for Cetinje Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Average high °C °F 6. Cetinje, as a settlement has existed for 500 years, which is not much compared to the development of the coastal agglomeration of the ancient period in the immediate surrounding. However, these five centuries — the whole history of a people, who, through the development of city recorded moments of their origin, ascent, stagnation and downs. For Cetinje as urban agglomeration, can be said to have formed suddenly, which makes it very specific. In fact, since the seventies of the nineteenth century, for almost fifty years, there was, in the urban context, designed and typological characteristic areas formed with urban type residential home ground floor and storey house with developed attic, created and developed in closed urban blocks, where line of life in them was street - house - garden. Former Russian embassy in Cetinje Along with the development of this type of urban city blocks and residential buildings, has developed substantial public architecture of the city, which was built under the great influence of foreign builders with the application of various architectural styles and which then and now, is a representative architectural backbone of the city. Between the two world wars, which characterized by the loss of Montenegrin statehood and noticeable stagnation of the architectural development of the city, Cetinje continues the tradition of formed, then already traditional type of urban residential houses and closed urban blocks, but they build the first modern multi-storey residential buildings for collective housing, and modern public institutions necessary for the then social life. In the fastest and most important period of the development of Cetinje, since the seventies of the nineteenth century until the First World War, which was then the smallest European old capital, was created and developed city on the principles the European metropolises of that time in whose architectural activity of the city was engaged many foreign architects, engineers, builders and craftsmen. The Blue Palace, where the President of Montenegro resides. The development of Cetinje in this period was followed by many important historical and social events. So the second half of the nineteenth century in the development of Cetinje marked period of state power and its pursuit of the European culture and international recognition. Recognition of Montenegro as an independent state, at the Berlin Congress in 1878. During this period, Cetinje, as the old royal capital, gains in an even greater national and international significance and experiencing its rapid socio - economic, institutional, and urban development. Without taking into consideration possibility and efforts which Cetinje is realized as spatially small and young city, it occupies an important place in terms of conceptual, social and urban transformation of other cities in Montenegro, particularly since the second half of the nineteenth century until the First World War. On the basis of that and the facts about today's relatively preserved old urban heritage, is justified the fact which Cetinje ranks among the cities with significant architectural heritage. Cetinje is the administrative centre of Cetinje municipality, which has a population of 18,482. According to the census of population, households and apartments in 2011, in the territory of The Old Royal Capital Cetinje live 16,757 inhabitants, or 2. In the town of Cetinje live 13. According to the number of inhabitants, Cetinje is one of the medium units of local government in Montenegro. Its entrance is located in the village of Lipa and it ends in the mountains directly over the Adriatic Sea. After project of Municipality of Cetinje and company 'Lipa Cave', the cave is restored and opened for public in July 2015. One of the most visited destinations of Cetinje is the mausoleum of on the mountain Lovćen. The mausoleum is accessible by car from Cetinje, which is 13 km 8. In the past few years there has been a plan of enlisting the old historic core of the city of Cetinje as a UNESCO world heritage site. With this, Cetinje hopes to rebuild and restore the old historic core and the façades of its buildings. Cetinje is becoming more and more popular with tourists so the locals started painting their houses in vivid colors, the local government started quite a number of projects to restore the buildings, the markets and façades of the city of Cetinje. After the decades of stagnation, the new city government began a lot of projects with the intention to revitalise the infrastructure, business and to gain a higher promotion of Cetinje in cultural, touristic and other parts. Some of that projects were the reconstruction of Cetinje Historical Core Main Street - Njegoševa, Main Town Square, Students' Square , Beautiful Cetinje first energy-efficiency project in Montenegro , reconstruction of the City Market, valorisation of , renovation of the first hospital building in Montenegro, building a completely new utilities system, construction of a new main road at the entrance to the town, the largest fine arts university complex in the region etc. During the past period, Cetinje became first Montenegrin city which is covered by the free wi-fi signal. Promotion To promote Cetinje as not only cultural and artist capital of Montenegro but the whole region too, during 2012 and 2013 the city government organized events in which participated globally famous artists such as , , , and , who were guests of Cetinje during that period. The most significant project for the future is a cable-car from Kotor to Cetinje, and tender is launched on August 2016. There are five republic institutions: Đurđe Crnojević Central National Library, the National Museum of Montenegro, the Archives of Montenegro, the Republic Institute for Preserving Cultural Heritage and the Zetski Dom Montenegrin Royal National Theatre. All these institutions keep, process, and provide public access to enormous literary treasure, and protect both mobile and immobile cultural monuments throughout Montenegro. The oldest - and for a long time the most important - cultural institution in the town is the. Printing houses in Cetinje Montenegro Ministry of culture Cetinje has a rich publishing and printing tradition. The 1492—1496 and the books published there are of great importance for Montenegrin culture and history as well as for the culture of other Orthodox peoples. Its greatest contribution refers to spreading type. Thus, it represents an important link in a chain of world culture. There were a number of printing houses that continued this great printing tradition. These are: Njegoš Printing House, which operated between 1833 and 1839 and the State Printing House which was founded in 1858. It was renamed in 1952. Since then it has been known as. Since their foundation to the present day, Cetinje printing houses have published over 3,000 books, a major contribution to the Montenegrin cultural heritage. Since then, sixty different newspapers and over thirty magazines have been published. In 1914, as a town of fewer than 6,000 inhabitants, Cetinje supported six different daily newspapers. Libraries The oldest libraries of Montenegro, where the oldest books and documentation of great value are preserved, are located at Cetinje. This makes Cetinje internationally recognized as well. The oldest library among these is the Library of Cetinje Monastery, which was founded by the end of the 15th century at the time when the Printing House of Crnojevići started operating. Today, seventy-five old manuscripts written in Cyrillic, then four , and many old are kept there. The first public reading room in Montenegro known as The Reading Room of Cetinje was founded in 1896. Since its founding it has been the cultural centre of Montenegro. The fruitful activity of this reading room was continued by the Town Library and the reading room, which offers over 63,000 books and volumes of periodicals. The school libraries of Cetinje also have a long tradition. Museums Art Museum and Historical Museum. Numerous museums and the huge fund of museum items that are kept there established Cetinje's reputation as a museum town. Cetinje has always been a cultural centre. Every second year the international art exhibition called is held there. Its founder is , great-grandson to. Cetinje is also the seat of the of the , and. Seat of the Eparchy of Montenegro and the Littoral is situated in Cetinje Monastery. Seat of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church is situated in the Chapel in Gruda quarter. Festivals Today, Cetinje is home of one of the most popular cultural events in Montenegro - 'Summer at the Old Royal Capital'. It is the artist festival with almost 100 events, which held yearly, from June to September. During that period, visitors can attend the gigs of regional artist stars at the most significant city locations, but in the villages too. During the 'Summer at the Old Royal Capital', there are festivals like 'Royal Fest' hard rock, alternative , 'Cetinje Jazz Fest', 'Espressivo' classical music , 'Cucka jeka' Kobilji Do , 'Riječka noć' Rijeka Crnojevića , 'Njeguško ljeto' Lovćen and Njeguši , 'Folklor' etc. Events during the 'Summer at the Old Royal Capital' attend about 50,000 visitors. The most popular sports in Cetinje are , and. Football Football in Cetinje has a very long tradition associated with , oldest football club in Montenegro. FK Lovćen was founded on 20 June 1913. It is one of the most successful football clubs in Montenegro. The best results in the past were achieved before WW2, when they won few Montenegrin Championships, and in 1956 in qualifications for the first national league. In 1947, Lovćen was juvenile club champion. FK Lovćen now competes in the. On 21 May 2014, Lovćen won the Montenegrin Cup, which was the first national trophy in the club's history. Another club from Cetinje is , formed in 1975. They were promoted to the Second Montenegrin League, during the summer 2013. Handball Formed at 1949, is among oldest handball clubs in Montenegro. During the decades, especially from 80's until today, Lovćen became most successful Montenegrin men's handball club, but the most trophied team from Old Royal Capital Cetinje. There is huge number of great Montenegrin, Yugoslav and European players which produced handball school of Lovćen. From the 1988 until today, Lovćen played 23 seasons in the First Handball League of , and. Most trophies in the club history, Lovćen won in the national Cup. Club from Cetinje holds 2 winner titles in the Cup of and five in the. Lovćen is member of since its inception. Today, Lovćen is the only SEHA League member from Montenegro. In their first SEHA League season, Lovćen made surprising result, with final placement on 6th position. Year after that, Lovćen finished season on the same table position. Handball club Lovćen is permanent member of European handball competitions since 1997. The greatest result Lovćen made during the when they participated in the quarterfinals against. Until today, Lovćen played 65 games in European Competitions. Today, Cepelin-Lovćen is playing in Second league. It was founded in 1947. Second club is BC Cetinje, formed in 1997. It competed in Republic League and was among best Montenegrin clubs in that sport. Today, there are dozens of active clubs. Venues Cetinje has a number of sporting venues. It has a capacity of 2,020 seats. Cetinje is connected to and through three-lane motorways. Both towns are about 30 km 19 mi away from Cetinje. Another road to Podgorica is built on the coast of. There is also a historic old road from Cetinje to , which is not of premium quality, but offers stunning views of the. This is currently, spring 2018, being upgraded. Previously there was a railway line from Cetinje to along the banks of , which transported both passengers and cargo. There are no remains of this railway line. Cetinje is governed by mayor and the Old Royal Capital Government. Since December 2010, the mayor of Old Royal Capital Cetinje is Aleksandar Bogdanović. Administrative and operational bodies Administrative and operational bodies of local administration are secretaries, administrations, directorates, managements and services. There are six secretariats in the Old Royal Capital Cetinje: The Secretariat for , The Secretariat of and , The Secretariat of and , The Secretariat for and , The Secretariat for and and The Secretariat for and. Other administrative bodies are Management of , Directorate for , Directorate of and and Center for. Operational bodies are , Service of , The 's Service, Bureau, Service, Protection service and Police. City Parliament Main article: Skupština Prijestonice Cetinje is the Parliament of Old Royal Capital Cetinje. Local parliament is made up of 33 deputies, or odbornici councillors in Montenegrin. It is elected by universal ballot and is presided over by a speaker called the Predsjednik Skupštine President of Parliament. After the last elections held in November 2013, the has an absolute majority with 19 deputies, while four other parties and coalitions are also represented in the local parliament. Party Seats 19 5 5 3 1 Local subdivisions Main article: There are two city settlements in the Old Royal Capital - Cetinje and. Old Royal Capital Cetinje is divided into 23 local community bodies mjesne zajednice in which the citizens participate in decisions on matters of relevance to the local community. Settlements The prijestonica of Cetinje is divided into two urban settlements: Cetinje and , and 92 rural settlements: Bajice, Barjamovica, Bijele Poljane, Bjeloši, Bobija, Boguti, Bokovo, Češljari, , Dide, Dobrska Župa, Dobrsko Selo, Dodoši, Donja Zaljut, Donje Selo, Dragomi Do, Drušići, Dubovik, Dubovo, Dugi Do, Dujeva, Đalci, Đinovići, Erakovići, Gađi, Gornja Zaljut, Gornji Ceklin, Grab, Gradina, Građani, Izvori, Jankovići, Jezer, Kobilji Do, Kopito, Kosijeri, Kranji Do, Kućišta, Lastva, Lipa, Lješev Stub, Majstori, Malošin Do, Markovina, Meterizi, Mikulići, Milijevići, Mužovići, , Obzovica, Očinići, Oćevići, Ožegovice, Pačarađe, Pejovići, Petrov Do, Poda, Podbukovica, Prediš, Prekornica, Prentin Do, Prevlaka, Proseni Do, Radomir, Raičevići, Resna, Riječani, Rokoči, Rvaši, Ržani Do, Smokovci, Šinđon, Štitari, Tomići, Trešnjevo, Trnjine, Uba, Ubli, Ublice, Ugnji, Ulići, , Vignjevići, Vojkovići, Vrba, Vrela, Vuči Do, Zabrđe, Začir, Zagora, and Žanjev Do. Retrieved 26 April 2013. Ivan Crnojević podigao dvorac, kasnije i crkvu zetske mitropolije... Николе на острво Врањина у Скадарском Језеру. Она ће касније одиграти видну улогу како у верском тако и у националном животу Срба Црне Горе. Retrieved 24 July 2011. Retrieved 27 April 2011. Hydrological and Meteorological Service of Montenegro. Retrieved April 22, 2018.
After the last elections held in November 2013, the has an absolute majority with 19 deputies, while four other parties and coalitions are also represented in the local parliament. Since then it has been known as. The population census from the same year recorded a massive growth in the world's smallest capital, registering 5,895 inhabitants. Operational bodies are , Service of , The 's Service, Bureau, Service, Protection service and Police. During the past period, Cetinje became first Montenegrin city which is covered by the free wi-fi signal. Crnojević was forced to move the seat of the Eparchy of Zeta from to Cetinje due to the Ottoman invasions, in 1485. There are six secretariats in the Old Royal Capital Cetinje: The Secretariat for , The Secretariat of and , The Secretariat of and , The Secretariat for and , The Secretariat for and and The Secretariat for and. Although abundant in precipitation, the Cetinje field and its surroundings do not have water flows on the surface and water sources are scarce. Recognition of Montenegro as an independent state, at the Berlin Congress in 1878. Printing houses in Cetinje Montenegro Ministry of culture Cetinje has a rich publishing and printing tradition. Most trophies in the club history, Lovćen won in the national Cup. Many renowned intellectuals from other South-Slavic parts came to stay there and made a contribution to the cultural, educational and every other aspect of life.
Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.